Tutorial : A new calculation model for my country / region

<aside> 🇫🇷 VERSION FRANÇAISE Ce guide est également disponible en français : Ajouter une nouvelle région.


The internationalization of "Nos Gestes Climat" is complex : it is not only a question of language translation but also to put in place a solution to adapt the calculation and language depending on the country an user is connecting from.

Please, do not hesitate to contribute and to contact us if needed at [email protected] or with a GitHub issue.

How to contribute?

GitHub is a dedicated platform for code and discussion. This page explains you (in french) basics of the language used for the calculation models. You do not need to be a developper in order to contribute, this language is intuitive and our infrastructure allows you to publish a version of your model without having to go through all the website code.

Step 1 : Create a GitHub account

GitHub is a particularly interesting platform for managing code versions. To start your own version, create an account on GitHub and find our repository : @incubateur-ademe/nosgestesclimat

Step 2 : Look for your country / region

You can then find the different models we support for the diverse regions and countries in the directory : data/i18n/models

<aside> ℹ️ NOTE Those files contains calculation rules (in yaml format) which are linked to the french model (available in the /data/ directory).


Your model is not yet supported in NGC ?

You can create your own ! Your file should be named with the country-code (uppercase), dash-separated with the language code (lowercase) and the extension .publicodes, for instance: for the United-Kingdom, in english the file is named UK-en-us.publicodes (UK being the country code of the United Kingdom and en-us being the language code). You can then start writing your own rule.

<aside> ⚠️ CAUTION The params section contains the caracteristic of your region and is mandatory. You should at least indicate the nom (name) and code attributes. The gentilé (demonym) and drapeau (flag) attributes are optionnal.


Example :

  code: UK
  nom: United Kingdom
  gentilé: British
  drapeau: GB

You can then follow the steps below to improve your model.

Propose a change on an existing model

  1. Open the corresponding file for the region (according to the country/language codes).
  2. Edit the file (threw a fork)